Your Precinct Chair: JENNY BLOUNT -
Updated on Thursday, May 16, 2024
Hello fellow Republican and Neighbor! My name is JENNY BLOUNT and I am your precinct chair for the Tarrant County Republican Party. I have been in this position for about 2 years. I occasionally leave door flyers for you. I would like to send you urgent news occasionally, but I need your email. Please contact me at: So far, I have sent out 5-6 emails to the people on my email list. I really don't send a lot out. I held a Meet n Greet for City Council candidate Pamela Boggess in the Spring '23. I recently held a "Meet n Greet" for John O'Shea. He is running to replace Rep Kay Granger. Rep. Granger has served Fort Worth for 14 terms and I think it's time for an America-First candidate who will loudly and proudly advocate for a balanced budget, closed border, funding police, preserving our Constitutional rights and smarter foreign policy. He has gatherings almost weekly, so if you'd like to meet him, let me know or check his campaign website at I am also supporting Cheryl Bean for Texas House District 97 and you can find out more at:
About me: I got "into" politics in 2008 but at that time, I was living in Austin. We moved to our home on Waits in March of 2020. In addition to being your Precinct Chair, I have served as Election Judge, Poll Watcher, and Ballot Board member. Going forward, I continue to focus on this precinct, on Ballot Board, and I'm now also a Deputy Voter Registrar.
I'd really like to get to know you. Please feel free to call, email or text me!
If you want to get more involved with improving (saving) our city, county and country, I'd love to help you find some way to participate that fits with your interests and time.
I desperately need "Block Captains" leading up to an election. This just involves you volunteering to "shepherd" 2-3 streets where you're likely to know neighbors. Call, text and drop off information for them before the elections. I will provide all the materials. Please reach out if you can help me in 2024. Thanks and God Bless!
Primary Runoff: May 20-24 and May 28, 2024
Updated on Thursday, May 16, 2024
We have a very important runoff election in May 2024. We are choosing our Congressional District 12 Representative and the race is between Craig Goldman and John O'Shea. We also get to select the Texas House District 97 Representative (the seat Goldman is vacating) and that race is between Cheryl Bean and John McQueeney. I am supporting O'Shea and Bean:
Here are the voting locations:
Please be sure to vote in this runoff:
Early Voting is May 20-24 and Election Day is May 28.
Here are some early voting locations near our precinct:
Como Community Center – Room 4 and 5
4660 Horne St Ft. Worth
UNT-Health Science Center – IREB Lobby
3500 Camp Bowie Boulevard Ft. Worth
SW Baptist Theological – Price Hall Rm 115
4521 Frazier Avenue Ft. Worth
Here are the Election Day locations nearest to us – 7:00 am to 7:00 pm:
Tanglewood Elementary
3060 Overton Park Drive West Ft. Worth
Paschal High School
2911 Forest Park Boulevard Ft. Worth
McLean 6th Grade School
3201 South Hills Avenue Ft. Worth
E.M. Daggett Elementary
958 Page Avenue Ft. Worth
Precinct Reports
Incredible, Eye-Opening movie - $10 if you use promo code "Mike"Posted Jan 8, 2024
Texas GOP Demands Speaker Phelan ResignPosted Sep 26, 2023
Orange County Censured Dade Phelan - Tarrant County voted to support this measure.Posted Sep 18, 2023
Paxton Acquitted - His statementPosted Sep 18, 2023
The Border is Wide OpenPosted Sep 18, 2023
Republicans Must Gather, Volunteer, Speak Up & Vote if we are to win i
Updated on Thursday, May 16, 2024
Hello fellow Republicans,
As you know, our nation is in crisis. The current administration is weakening the country on the world stage, removing our God-given rights, weakening the Constitution and Bill of Rights, keeping our borders open, ruining the economy, and forcing many other very unpopular policies. We don't have to be helpless in this matter!
Grassroots activism is where to begin and it is how our founding fathers established our Republic. "By the People, For the People" was inserted intentionally and really is how our government should work. Over the years, we have allowed too much government growth, career politicians to dig in, corruption at the highest levels and regulations that work against us. The way out of this mess is by finding and electing fresh candidates who are running for office to be America First servants of the people. These are often described as "reluctant candidates" because they are willing to sacrifice their happy lives in order to serve this nation.
Democrats have a well established, efficient machine for getting their radical candidates elected. One of their "tricks" in Texas is to run as a Republican but serve as a Democrat. You know of several of those down in Austin! Patriots nationwide are gathering, volunteering, donating and creating to get this nation back on track. I volunteer in a few areas, including one group that is specifically designed to Defend Freedom.
Please join me in this effort. Allow me to help you find a task that suits your available time, resources and personality. We are going to win this!
Blessings, Jenny Blount
WHO is voting from your address?
Updated on Wednesday, Jan 10, 2024
Finally, Texas residents have the ability to check their own addresses to see who is registered to vote there. Additionally, you will see the actual votes and have a tool to register any anomalies for investigation! Citizen volunteers have been working to release this great tool. All you need is one of these 2 things: (your) Last Name and Voter ID or Last Name, birth date, zip code
Click "Show Me the Details" button and it will quickly pull up records on your residence. Here is how you access The People's Audit:
or simply scan the QR code