Welcome to the web site for the Precinct 2522 Republican party! (Thanks to Jim Sutton for providing the software to run the site!)
This site provides a plethora of information regarding our current elected officials, past results, and upcoming elections. Visit this site regularly for information regarding upcoming elections, candidate links, and endorsements. The real goal for this site is to increase Republican voter turnout by providing information the voter can use to make wise choices in our elections.
About the Precinct Chair - I am recently retired from 43 years in the defense industry. My wife and I are members of Christ Chapel Bible Church in Fort Worth and enjoy playing with our six grandchildren. We live in the precinct (obviously) and are interested in stopping the spread of the radical move to the left in our country today and restoring conservative, Christian values in our society. If you would like to help out, or contact me for any other reason, you can email me at TarrantGop2522@Yahoo.com.
You can find our current elected officials by clicking on Current Officials above. To see information about upcoming elections, click Voting on the upper left. There is information about candidates and, if you click Current Election, you can see who is running for each office.
The election is here! Early voting begins October 21st and Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th.
I often have people ask whether they should vote on Election Day or during early voting. I have changed my view on this. I used to advocate voting on Election Day, but due to the anomalies in the 2022 elections, I now suggest early voting. There are several reasons for this. First, if something goes wrong on Election Day, you either wait for it to be resolved or you might lose your chance. If you vote early and something goes wrong, you can come back another day. Second, candidates know when you vote. (No one knows for whom you vote, but the fact that you have voted is public record.) If you have already voted, they won't send more texts, phone calls, or mailers. Third, It is more convenient. For these reasons, I suggest you vote as soon as you are able.
The nearest Early Voting Locations are:
Kennedale Community Center - 316 W 3rd Street, Kennedale
Ron Wright Library - 4000 W Green Oaks Blvd, Arlington
South Service Center - 1100 SW Green Oaks Blvd, Arlington
You may also view a complete map of all Early Voting Locations.
The nearest polling places on Election Day are:
* RF Patterson Elementary School - 6621 Kelly Elliott Rd, Arlington
Kennedale Community Center - 316 W 3rd Street, Kennedale
Kennedale High School - 901 Wildcat Way, Kennedale
Boles Junior High School - 3900 Southwest Green Oaks Blvd, Arlington
Linda Jobe Middle School - 2491 Gertie Barrett Rd, Mansfield
* I will be the Election Judge at RF Patterson Elementary School. If you vote there on Election Day, be sure to introduce yourself!
You may also view a map of all Election Day Polling Places.
You can see A Look at the Ballot by selecting Elections and then Election Information above. There you will find a discussion of the different races and even a sample ballot.
Following the assassination attempt on former President Trump, I wanted to share a few thoughts.
First, I am grateful that President Trump’s life was spared. Things could have been very different if Trump hadn’t turned his head at just the right time, there was a little less wind, or any number of other factors were slightly different. If this assassination attempt had succeeded, not only would we be talking about the loss of a dynamic leader, but the future of the nation would be in chaos. My prayers go out to the family of the innocent person who lost his life and others who were injured.
Second, note that there have been no riots, no looting, and no major protests in response to the shooting. Compare this with the left’s response to events. This is as it should be. We should let our voices be heard in a peaceful (dare I say patriotic) way and speak loudly with our votes.
Third, remember the claims by the left that it is the Right that poses the greatest threat to our country? In fact, it is many on the Left that are directly calling for violence against the Right (Maxine Waters, President Biden himself, and many others), while the Right use phrases like "peacefully and patriotically", and these are construed to be calling for violence. Some have even lamented that the shooter missed.
Fourth, I’m grateful for the Secret Service agents that got the former President to safety following the shooting. While there are many questions about how the shooter was able to come so close, let’s not jump to conclusions. Ask questions, but let’s wait for more information to come out. Some of the questions include the following: How did the shooter get into that position without being stopped? How did they lose him when he had already been observed and followed? Given that they had lost him, why was Trump even on stage? Why didn’t the policeman who confronted the shooter on the roof re-engage after initially taking cover? Why didn’t the SS sniper shoot before he was able to get off several shots? Why didn’t the Secret Service respond favorably to repeated requests for additional assets to protect the former president? Were some of the SS agents poorly trained or even poorly selected for his detail? How could a 20-year-old kid plan and carry out such an attempt? I look forward to hearing the answers to these and other questions.
Considering this, how does it affect our nation? Well, many now see President Trump as divinely appointed to become president again and clean up the mess we are in as a result of President Biden’s administration. I pray that God continue to protect President Trump (and all those running) and that come next January, he returns to the office where he belongs.
The presidential debate on September 10th was touted as perhaps the most consequential debate in history. As is often the case, the hype is not always realized. In the end, the unofficial “winner” is still disputed, with Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) say Vice President Harris was the winner, while most conservative pundits say it was former President Trump. In my opinion, it kind of depends on what things you value. If you want a popularity contest, like it was for high school class president, you probably favored Harris, who kept her cackling to a minimum, and came across fairly well while Trump took the bait offered by Harris and the moderators and reacted more emotionally. On the other hand, if you are interested in issues, content, and truthfulness, Trump won hands down. The ABC moderators were roundly criticized for their bias, “fact-checking” President Trump seven times (with their own incorrect facts) and Vice President Harris none.
The Federalist summarized 25 lies told by Harris without being challenged by the moderators. In short, these were the lies they identified:
1. Harris said she was a “middle-class kid” growing up. In fact, her parents were both college professors.
2. Harris claimed the Trump Tax Cuts favored the rich, while IRS data has shown on average all income brackets benefited.
3. Harris claimed Trump will implement a “sales tax”, 20% if I remember correctly. Trump has never offered this policy and has denied any such plan.
4. Harris contended the January 6th “riot” at the US Capitol was the “worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” In fact, the protestors that day carried no weapons and did not threaten the American government.
5. Harris claimed Trump is behind “Project 2025” and plans to follow it completely. This was a plan offered by the Heritage Foundation, and Trump has denied even reading the plan.
6. Harris claimed she would “absolutely support reinstating the protections of Roe v Wade.” In fact, even under Roe there were many restrictions on abortion, but Harris supports removing by law any and all such restrictions, making abortion legal throughout pregnancy.
7. Harris claimed that several states have passed “Trump abortion bans” that threaten women with prison time and make no exceptions, even for rape and incest or life-threatening cases like ectopic pregnancies. Care for women with ectopic pregnancies is not even considered abortion, and thus no state laws affect this treatment at all. Many pro-life laws in effect today do allow for other exceptions as well.
8. Harris also claimed Trump would sign a national abortion ban even though he has specifically denied this. He even softened his abortion stance in the party platform.
9. Harris claimed that late-term abortions just don’t happen. In fact, there have been tens of thousands of abortions after 21 weeks of gestation.
10. Harris claimed a proposed “compromise” border bill would have stemmed illegal immigration, whereas in fact, the bill protected such immigration and prevented any action until 5,000 people had crossed illegally in a day.
11. Harris claimed the Supreme Court granted Trump complete immunity from any misconduct if here were to be re-elected. In fact, the SCOTUS ruling called out immunity for official acts, specifically stating that there is no immunity for unofficial acts. (And the ruling applies to all presidents, not just Trump!)
12. Harris has opposed fracking for years yet stated that she made herself “very clear in 2020” that she would not ban fracking. In 2020 she specifically said she would absolutely ban fracking.
13. Harris denied she worked to bail out left-wing rioters following the death of George Floyd in 2020. In fact, Harris used social media to raise funds to bail out these rioters.
14. Harris claimed Trump “incited” the January 6th riot in 2021, when in fact he told them to march “peacefully and patriotically” to make their voices heard.
15. Harris claimed that “some” police officers died on January 6th. This is false. One officer died of natural causes several days after January 6th and there were no other police deaths.
16. Harris repeated the debunked claim that in Charlottesville, VA Trump said there were many fine people on both sides, including white supremacists. Even left-wing Snopes has admitted this was false, as Trump was referring the people on both sides of the removing statues issue and explicitly said (during that same speech) that he was not referring to the white supremacists, who should be condemned completely.
17. Harris claimed Trump called for a “bloodbath” if he loses the election in November. Trump used the term “bloodbath” referring to the economic effect on auto manufacturers should Harris win.
18. Harris claimed Trump told Russia it could do whatever it wants in Ukraine. Trump was negotiating with NATO countries about the need for them to provide the minimum required funding levels for NATO. He that if they didn’t, Russia would be able to do anything it wanted.
19. Harris claimed the world’s autocratic leaders want Trump to win. This is mere speculation at best, but Russian President Putin endorsed Harris.
20. Harris claimed the US has no military presence in any war zone. In fact, American troops in Syria and Iraq are routinely attacked by Iran-backed militias.
21. Harris also blamed Trump for the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump stated his desire to withdraw from Afghanistan, but the method in which it was done by the Biden-Harris administration was all their decision.
22. Harris claimed that she doesn’t support mandatory gun confiscation, but she has openly supported such a policy.
23. Harris claimed Trump foreign policy record was weak, when in fact Trump secured the southern border, eased the North Korean situation, stood up to Russia, China, and Iran, and negotiated a peace deal between Israel and Arab states.
24. When Trump said Harris wanted to defund the police, she shook her head and said, “That’s not true.” Harris has expressed support for “reimagining” policing and “redirecting resources” from police toward other parts of government.
25. Harris claimed Trump would ban IVF, when in fact he has promised to provide government funding for IVF.
The primaries are over, and it is now time to turn our attention to the November General Election. Much like Harry Potter, each party has chosen their champions, and now these champions face each other. Everyone knows about the presidential race. Yes, it is vital that we vote to select President Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris. Is your vote important? Yes, it is! In 2020 Tarrant County voted for Joe Biden! It is up to us to overwhelm the polls and turn Tarrant red again.
However, if you think the presidential election is the only important race, consider that there will be elections for the US Senate and House of Representatives, State Senate and House, various judges, and all the way down to constable. The US House controls the purse, and the Senate confirms judges and potentially Supreme Court Justices, so in many ways these are vital as well. Ted Cruz, one of the most effective Senators, is in a tight race, so we’ve got to push him over the top. In many ways, however, the local officers affect our daily lives more directly that the president. Sheriff Bill Waybourn, for example, is in a tight but important race. Even the constable is a key office. There is no longer a single option to vote straight party, so it is essential that you vote for each candidate.
Should you vote by party? I’ve heard many people suggest that they don’t vote for a party; they vote for the person. While this sounds noble, it is an empty argument. It is impossible to know each individual on the ballot. Since they are associated with a party, however, the voter knows something about the candidate merely through this affiliation. What do the Democrats believe? They support unrestricted abortion through full term. Some have even suggested that “abortion” could even be an option after birth! They want unrestricted border crossings and for the government to support them. They want non-citizens to vote in our elections. (If you don’t believe this, consider that almost no Democrats voted for the SAVE act, which would have required proof of citizenship to register to vote, and voter ID.) Democrats also spend money we don’t have. Just in President Biden’s 3 ½ years, the nation has gone another $7 Trillion dollars in debt. From George Washington to Ronald Regan, the total debt was $1 Trillion, but today the total is over $34 Trillion.
So how does this differ from Republicans? Republicans recognize that a baby in the womb is just as human as you and I, and so deserves to be protected. A nation is not a nation if there are no borders. From a human perspective, we can sympathize with individuals that are seeking opportunity in our country. However, we cannot allow everyone to enter without limitation. Many come with ill intent, including the Mexican Drug Cartels who are pushing drugs on our citizens and others who are coming with an eye toward committing terrorist acts. We have got to get a handle on the border, and Republicans are committed to this. Republicans want it to be easy to vote, but hard to cheat. This means only US citizens can register, and people provide a simple photo ID when voting, just like flying or any number of everyday activities. As for spending, Republicans don’t have a great record on this either, but they are committed to lowering taxes and improving the economy. Also, the federal debt goes up more slowly when Republicans are in office than when Democrats are.
This is July, but it’s not too early to think about November. Dan Bongino suggests the 10-10-10 rule. Send an email to 10 like-minded friends and encourage them to vote. Call 10 friends and remind them to vote. One election day (or early voting) take 10 people with you to vote. If we take this to heart, we will have the turnout to make a difference.